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Energy and Built Environment 2020 Best Paper Award

Th Energy and Built Environment (EBE) journal received 134 articles from 29 countries in 2020, of which 63 papers were accepted and 57 papers were published online. 5 issues were published, containing 50 original papers.


The journal establishes "EBE Best Paper Award", and a total of 5 outstanding papers in 2020 were selected by the editorial committee of the EBE journal.


Solar Aided Power Generation: a Review

Jiyun Qina, Eric Hub,*, Xiaohua Lic

a. China Institute of FTZ Supply Chain, Shanghai Maritime University, China

b. School of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, Australia

c. Department of Building Engineering, Hunan Institute of Engineering, China


17 citations (based on Web of Science database)



Evaluation of stearic acid/coconut shell charcoal composite phase change materials for thermal energy storage

Baoshan Xie, Chuanchang Li*, Bo Zhang, Lixin Yang, Guiyu Xiao, Jian Chen

School of Energy and Power Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, China


13 citations (based on Web of Science database)


Operational performance of a novel heat pump coupled with mini-channel PV/T and thermal panel in low solar radiation

Jinzhi Zhoua,b, Xudong Zhaob,*, Yanping Yuana, Jing Lib, Min Yub, Yi Fanb 

a. School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China

b. School of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hull, UK


12 citations (based on Web of Science database)


Recent Progress in Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification and Air-conditioning: A Review

Xiangjie Chena,c,d,*, Saffa Riffata,*, Hongyu Baia, Xiaofeng Zhenga, David Reayb 

a. Department of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Nottingham, UK

b. David Reay & Associates, UK

c. Department of Energy and Power Engineering, University of 

Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

d. Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technologies (CREST), Wolfson School of Mechanical, 

Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK


12 citations (based on Web of Science database)


A review of data mining technologies in building energy systems: Load prediction, pattern identification, fault detection and diagnosis

Yang Zhao, Chaobo Zhang*, Yiwen Zhang, Zihao Wang, Junyang Li

Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University, China


11 citations (based on Web of Science database)